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The location of the writings

Clicking on the picture you can see in detail the area in which there were found the writings of the shepherds.

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Thursday September 17 2020

È uscito sia in formato digitale che cartaceo, il volume “Shepherds Who Write. Pastoral graffiti in the uplands of Europe from prehistory to the modern age”, a cura di Marta Bazzanella e Giovanni Kezich, con prefazione di Michael J. Rowlands, edizioni BAR Publishing Oxford (ISBN 9781407357140).
Il libro raccoglie gli atti della sessione organizzata dal Museo nell’ambito del XX convegno internazionale di arte rupestre IFRAO 2018, “Standing on the shoulders of giants”, che si è tenuto in Valcamonica, a Darfo Boario Terme (BS), dal 29 agosto al 2 settembre 2018, promosso da IFRAO (International Federation of Rock Art Organisations) e dal Centro Camuno di Studi Prestorici di Capodiponte (BS). Il titolo della sessione, curata dal Museo in collaborazione con Silvia Sandrone del Museo delle Meraviglie di Tende in Francia, era “Pastoral graffiti. Old World case studies in interpretative ethnoarchaeology”.

Questi gli altri autori dei contributi, oltre a Marta Bazzanella e Giovanni Kezich: Giovanni Barozzi, Gianfranco Bettega, Jessica Bezzi, Nicoletta Bianchi, Francesco Carrer, Fabio Cavulli, Giorgio Chelidonio, Desirée Chini, Fabio Copiatti, Vanya Delladio, Giacomo Fait, Cristina Gastaldi, Franziska Knoll, Nathalie Magnardi, Jules Masson Mourey, Edoardo Micati, Mara Migliavacca, Elena Poletti, Ausilio Priuli, Federico Troletti.

Descrizione del volume:
In a number of significant sites of the vast ancient pasturelands of the Old World, generations of wandering shepherds have left their testimony in the form of graffiti drafted on the rocks, sometimes in their tens of thousands, over a period of hundreds of years from ancient to modern times. The phenomenon is a conspicuous one, and has considerable significance for two reasons. On the one hand, the study of such pastoral graffiti may convey fresh ethnoarchaeological information as to the circumstances of the pastoral activities and the pastoral economy of the past. On the other hand, these signs, which can be often fully alphabetic as well as drawing upon ancient symbolic repertoires, can be of some aid in the interpretation of rock art as a whole genre of human expression, and projected back, in their significance and their modes of appearance, the earliest times of prehistory.

“This volume will be of great interest to researchers in many parts of the world, including rock-art specialists, ethnographers and ethnoarchaeologists.” Michael C.A. Macdonald, University of Oxford
“This volume is an important contribution to the study of iterative and dialogical forms of writing and drawing. It is the most comprehensive treatment of these types of graffiti to date.” Professor Karen B. Stern Gabbay, Brooklyn College CUNY

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